Tape Data Storage
When undergoing a tape to cloud migration journey it is important to avoid paying for multiple sets of storage, particularly if you’re not sure what to do with your backup tape media after the cloud ingest. Our flexible tape data storage service is designed to give you all the benefits of migrating to your preferred cloud platform and none of the hassles from traditional offsite tape vaulting services.
Cost-effective storage
Tape Ark offers a holistic solution to store your tapes before, during, and post-migration allowing you to continue to access your tapes if and when required. Tape Ark will also continue to store your tapes in the event you’re undecided about your organization’s next data management steps or you have a compliance and/or regulatory requirement to do so. Our offsite backup tape storage ensures the security and accessibility of your tape data.
Centralized restore on-demand
Tape Ark can quickly restore your tape–bound data if and when required. We can restore to your preferred cloud platform via a direct ingest or device transfer. For major corporates with distributed tape restore operations for legacy content, Tape Ark can help centralize this asset, saving on tape storage costs, data center space, and staffing along with other operational costs. Our tape backup system and backup tape solutions provide a streamlined approach to managing your data.