Watch the short video series that explains the reality of the many misconceptions of the cloud.
Companies have been storing tape offsite for more than 50 years. It is “’just the way it has always been done”. Tape Ark rejects almost all notions of doing anything the way it has always been done unless we have taken time to analyse why it is done that way, and what technology is available to do it differently, better, or both.
As one of Australia’s fastest growing companies, Tape Ark, we spent the first few years educating the market about why a companies legacy tapes are better off in the cloud rather than in a vault, and now with the growth of AI, these data collections are critical for corporate who want to have deep understanding of their business with the hindsight of all of its history.
The liberation of tapes into the cloud stands to be the most powerful way for a company to gain access to its history to improve its predictive analytics.
How fast can Tape Ark move content to the Cloud?
Listen to Tape Ark CEO Guy Holmes discuss how fast tape based data can be lifted into the cloud by Tape Ark.
Can cloud migration really generate a return on investment (ROI)?
There are many misconceptions about migrating your legacy data to the cloud. These short videos address the common misbeliefs, and how mass ingest of your company’s data to the cloud, isn’t as you expect.
The real cost of tape storage.
Listen to Tape Ark CEO Guy Holmes discuss the real costs associated with storing tapes off site instead of in the cloud.
How you can still achieve an air gap with your content in the cloud.
Listen to Tape Ark CEO Guy Holmes discuss the fallacies of the air-gap and what this means for your data.
The hard truth about aging tapes and hardware.
CEO Guy Holmes discusses how often companies can get themselves into a position where they’ve got a real mess on their hands with outdated tape hardware and deteriorating media. The first step to address this is to consider a comprehensive media audit by Tape Ark which gives a clear picture of exactly what tapes are in the collection, and what platforms created them.
Real costs to maintain legacy tape systems.
Listen to CEO Guy Holmes reveal the mistruths surrounding the cost of maintaining legacy tape systems that the LTO industry will have you believe.
Tape Ark is an organization built on doing things differently.
Companies have been storing tape offsite for more than 50 years. It is “’just the way it has always been done”. Tape Ark rejects almost all notions of doing anything the way it has always been done unless we have taken time to analyse why it is done that way, and what technology is available to do it differently, better, or both.
As one of Australia’s fastest growing companies, Tape Ark, we spent the first few years educating the market about why a companies legacy tapes are better off in the cloud rather than in a vault, and now with the growth of AI, these data collections are critical for corporate who want to have deep understanding of their business with the hindsight of all of its history.
The liberation of tapes into the cloud stands to be the most powerful way for a company to gain access to its history to improve its predictive analytics.
If you are currently paying for offsite storage of tapes and managing legacy infrastructure, you need to take at least the following items into your total cost of ownership calculation:
- Legacy hardware maintenance
- Legacy software licenses
- Power and cooling of the racks space for your tape systems
- Offsite tape storage at your vaulting company
Of course, there are a range of other benefits of going #TapeFree including cost savings, environmental benefits, faster access, and a way to manage your retention guidelines at a more granular level.
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