How to Cut Data Costs by 70%—Without Losing a Byte (Stop Wrestling With Legacy Tape Storage Headaches)

Thanks to Sproutworth, CEO Guy Holmes was interviewed for the latest episode of Predictable B2B Success to discuss scalability in data management.

Scalability in data management isn’t just a technical term—it’s a catalyst for driving modern business efficiencies and innovation. In this episode of Predictable B2B Success, host Vinay Koshy welcomes Guy Holmes, CEO of Tape Ark, to delve into this essential concept. Holmes brings an intriguing view of how scalable solutions transform industries, from real-time accident prediction for public transport in Australia to moving petabytes of data to the cloud daily.

As companies grapple with data storage and monetization challenges, Holmes’ insights shed light on tapping into niche markets, leveraging hyperscale cloud partnerships, and the pivotal role of scalable mindsets in enhancing operational efficiency. Whether you’re an entrepreneur eyeing untapped opportunities or a data manager looking to future-proof your processes, this episode offers a blueprint for harnessing scalability to propel your business forward.

Guy shares his perspective on why education-first marketing works: “When I first started the business… my first two years was mainly educating people. A lot of people said, ‘nobody’s doing that. Why would we do that?’ The biggest benefit to people building a business like this is finding the case examples you can show people as to how someone benefited from it. It didn’t matter about price, positioning, marketing. It was actually ‘why would I do this?”

The podcast further explores how Tape Ark is revolutionizing data migration from legacy tape storage to cloud platforms, processing up to 2 petabytes daily. Guy shares invaluable insights about scaling a B2B business through education-first marketing and strategic partnerships with hyperscalers like Microsoft and AWS.

To read more and listen to the podcast, click here

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